About Jet Cities Chorus
Jet Cities Chorus members are from all walks of life, of all ages, and from all over the Seattle/Tacoma Metropolitan area. Some are semi-professional musicians--and some last sang in their high school choir--but we all love to sing and perform! The chorus was founded on July 3, 1962, which means we are now into our 60s! We are members of a worldwide musical educational organization Sweet Adelines International, and are supported in part by the Federal Way Arts Commission.
Jet Cities has performed on shows, festivals, ceremonies, and celebrations throughout the South Puget Sound area. We also compete annually with other choruses in North Pacific Region 13, which adds excitement and challenge to our musical experience. Additionally, many members find themselves developing in non-musical ways when they become involved with planning events, staging shows, or being on the chorus' management team. Self-confidence grows as you explore these new adventures.
We sing four-part, a cappella harmony, barbershop style, and sing songs from all eras, including popular music, show tunes, and jazz. If you are, or have been (or even never have been!) a member of any sort of choir, Jet Cities will be a lively and energetic experience for you.
You can sing with us, too! For more information, check out our Visit Us page or send us an email at [email protected].
Jet Cities was joined by other Sweet Adelines in our audience for our closing song at one of our Sweetie Pie Socials.
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We'd be grateful if you would support or patronize these Federal Way arts groups, who generously support us in return.